
The First Objective Field Analyzer - OFA®

objectiveFIELD is a completely objective perimeter that measures pupillary responses to spatially resolved stimuli to assess visual field abnormalities. Patients no longer have to press a response button.  

Clinical Applications

objectiveFIELD is an FDA (510k) Cleared device for the assessment of visual field abnormalities


objectiveFIELD is not FDA cleared for the specific diagnosis of any condition.

Clinical Benefits

Completely objective, no button to press

Bilateral exam, no eye patch needed

*Better correlation with glaucomatous RNFL loss than SAP


FDA 510(k) Cleared | CPT Code 92083

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (Japan)

CE Mark pending


objectiveFIELD utilizes a novel method called Multifocal Pupillographic Objective Perimetry (mfPOP), which is analogous to multifocal VEP (mfVEP), but without electrodes.

The exam is bilateral, and takes approximately 7 minutes, for both eyes.

Both eyes are individually tested, at the same time (a dichoptic presentation), which has several distinct advantages over SAP.

Eye patching is not required

No variability between OD & OS exams (SAP is two exams at different points in time)

Direct and consensual pupillary responses are measured, resulting in four data-sets per eye

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What Visual Field Test Protocols Are Available?

OFA includes test protocols for 30, 24, 15 and 10 degrees per-eye. The OFA 30 degree test also delineates a 24 degree field at the same time, in the same report, because no extra time is required to test a 30 degree visual field. 

What Does objectiveFIELD Measure?

Using a combination of innovative hardware and software, each eye’s field of vision is optically separated, and the patient’s view is fused (cyclopean view). 

Novel stimuli are presented to each eye individually, interleaved, with non-overlapping timing, every ¼ second.

Pupillary responses are recorded using video cameras under infra-red light and analyzed using sophisticated pupil tracking (not gaze tracking).

Sensitivity is measured objectively from the amplitude of the pupillary response (relative change in pupil size) and converted to the familiar decibel scale.

 Latency (time-to-peak constriction) of the pupillary responses are also measured in milliseconds, which is new information not available in any other perimeter.

The result is four visual fields per eye.

1. OD / OS sensitivity, direct

2. OD / OS sensitivity, consensual

3. OD / OS latency, direct

4. OD / OS latency consensual

Sophisticated analytics combine these data into two reports (sensitivity and latency) for both eyes, which follow a familiar reporting structure with familiar visual field maps and indices, so there is no learning curve to interpret reports.


Clinicians can choose a familiar “standard” report format or a more detailed “OFA” format. Both use traditional grey-scale and numeric maps, as well as tables with typical VF indices including MD, PSD, SF, CPSD etc.

* Carle CF, Chain AY, Kolic M, Maddess T. The structure–function relationship between multifocal pupil perimetry and retinal nerve fibre layer in glaucoma. BMC ophthalmology. 2024; 24(159) 1-11